1. Club Title
The name of the Club shall be the “Rickman Cars Owners Club” and shall from here on be referred to as the Club.
2. Aims and Objectives
a) To promote and encourage interest in Rickman cars and their use.
b) To provide Club members with a unified negotiating body.
c) To provide Club members with a source of information normally in the form of a magazine, which is relevant and subsequent to the original build.
3. Membership
a) Membership shall be open to any person(s) interested in furthering the aims and objectives of the Club.
b) Each Club member shall pay an annual subscription fee, which shall be determined by the Office Bearer’s and the Committee members.
c) Only Club members shall be entitled to vote at meetings, or via a postal vote. Based on ONE vote per Club membership.
d) Club membership shall be deemed to have ceased if a letter of resignation is offered, or if the annual subscription fee is not renewed on the due date.
e) The Office Bearer’s and Committee members have the overall right to expel any Club member whose conduct does, in the opinion of the Office Bearer’s and Committee members, render him / her unfit for Club membership. No Club member shall be expelled from the Club without first having the opportunity of appearing before the Office Bearer’s and Committee members, and discussing the complaints made against him / her. Following this meeting the Office Bearer’s and Committee members present shall vote on the outcome of the discussion, and advise the said Club member appropriately of the outcome of their decision regarding continued Club membership.
4. Administration
i) The Office Bearers and Committee:
a) Management of the Club shall comprise of ;-
The Office Bearer’s – consisting of a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary / Club Data Controller, Magazine Editor and Webmaster. A maximum of SIX other Club members can be Committee member(s). If Office Bearer’s and Committee member numbers are small, it may be necessary that more than one duty be performed by a Club member.
b) Only current Club members can be Office Bearers and / or Committee members.
c) The current Office Bearer’s and Committee members shall retire annually, at the Annual General Meeting.
d) An election / re-election to the position(s) of Office Bearer(s) and / or Committee member(s) shall take place at the Annual General Meeting. Nominees for these positions can be by receipt of a completed Nomination form, or by election to the relevant position(s) at the Annual General Meeting.
e) In the event of multiple nominations for an Office Bearer’s position being received, this shall be decided by a ballot by those Club members attending the Annual General Meeting.
e) The Office Bearers of the Club shall be ex-officio Committee members, unless circumstances dictate otherwise.
f) Members new to the Committee shall have served for ONE year before taking an Office Bearer’s position, unless circumstances dictate otherwise.
g) If an Office Bearer’s or Committee members position(s) becomes vacant during the year of office, the remaining Office Bearers and Committee members are empowered to elect, or co-opt, an eligible Club member to serve out that term of office.
ii) Meetings:
a) The Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than THREE calendar months after the end of the financial year, which is the last day of April each year.
b) The date and time of the Annual General Meeting shall be advertised to enable all Club members the opportunity to attend the meeting.
c) The Annual General Meeting must consist of at least FOUR Club members. At least ONE of the minimum of FOUR Club members must be a Club Office Bearer. The Club Office Bearer(s) role is to validate and oversee the meeting.
d) The business transacted at the Annual General Meeting shall include reports submitted by the Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary / Club Data Controller, Magazine Editor and Webmaster, the adoption of a report and financial statement given by the Treasurer and the election of the Office Bearer’s and Committee members.
e) The Office Bearer’s and Committee members shall meet at least THREE times throughout the year, either in person or remotely (times to be defined). These meetings are in addition to the Annual General Meeting which they should endeavour to attend.
f) The Secretary shall call an Extraordinary Meeting upon receipt of a written request containing particulars to be discussed. This should be signed by at least FOUR Club members and shall be submitted with a period of at least 28 days notice. Only such items as set out in the request shall be dealt with at such a meeting.
iii) Procedure:
a) All questions and matters arising at any meeting shall be decided by a simple majority vote of those Club members present, including postal votes if applicable. In the case of an equality of votes, the Chairperson shall have a second or casting vote.
b) Minutes of all meetings shall be taken by the Club Secretary and kept by the Club.
5. Finance
a) The Club’s financial year shall be from 1st May to the last day of April and the accounts shall close on the last day of April each year.
b) Apart from any sponsorship(s), grants or donations which may be received from any other source, the Clubs financial resources shall be provided by the annual subscription fees of the Club members along with any Club related sales.
c) The Treasurer shall maintain the main Club account(s) in the name of the Club.
d) Monies shall be drawn from the Club account(s) upon the signature of the Treasurer.
e) The Club accounts shall be available for scrutiny by any Club member at any time.
f) All Club accounts documentation should be kept for a minimum period of SIX years, or as legal legislation dictates.
6. Alteration of the Constitution
a) The Club Constitution can only be altered or amended by agreement at an Annual General Meeting. Proper notice of intention to make such an alteration or amendment shall be made and voted on by a majority of those Club members present as laid down in 4iii a).
7. Dissolution
a) If the Office Bearer’s and Committee members decide to dissolve the Club, a postal ballot of Club members will be held. Upon the result of the postal ballot, which will be judged by a simple majority vote, a Special Meeting shall be held to review the decision made. If in the case of an equality of votes being received, the Chairperson shall have a second or casting vote.
After the proper debts of the Club have been satisfied, the Treasurer shall then dispose of the remaining assets in such a way as set out by the decision made at the Special Meeting.
December 2019